COMBAT (05/10/2024) 20:00
Theatrical performance suitbale for all.
The tale of a man who has grown in a sensitive council estate from the Northern districts in Marseille or elsewhere; a post-war Algeria period in nowadays France; a struggle not to become a thug, a savage; a reflexion on a life of immigrant in his own country.
Texts: Dominique Sicilia, Belkacem Tir
Staging: Dominique Sicilia
Music: Ahmad Compaoré
With: Belkacem Tir and Ahmad Compaoré
Performance in partnership with Eclosion 13 as part of the season « Memories Busserine & Grand St Barthélémy » dedicated to the life stories, identities and territories.
Catering provided by Table des Cheffes (CS Flamants-Iris).
FEE: free admission
Tel: +33 (0)4 13 94 85 00
More info: here
Espace Culturel Busserine, Rue Mahboubi Tir, 13014 Marseilles.