CHOUMISSA @ Festival Carrément à l'Ouest (15/10/2011) 22:30
Concert as part of the 3rd edition of the "Carrément à l'Ouest" festival.
Choumissa is an arabic word which means « small sun ». This musical quartet proposes a repertoire of compositions inspired by traditional and contemporary music from the Mediterranean world and the Middle East. No need to like jazz or oriental music to vibrate to the sound of this original and universal music...
Fred Pichot: saxophone soprano
Christophe Isselée: guide, oud
Sylvain Terminiello : bass
Ahmad Compaoré: drums, percussions
FEE: free admission
Info: Le Citron Jaune / Tel: +33 (0)4 42 48 40 04
Festival Carrément à l'Ouest, Quartier Vauban, 13230 Port Saint Louis du Rhône.
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